We’ve Increased Our Savings Rates…Again!
With interest rates rising, it’s a good time to review your finances to understand the effect of rate increases on your accounts. SRI Federal Credit Union has all you need to maximize your dividend yields.
Referral Rewards
Get Up To $500 A Year With Referral Rewards!
SRI Federal Credit Union will reward you for referring your friends or family. Referred new members will receive $50 when they open a new checking account. Referring members will also earn $50 for each qualified new member, up to $500 per year.
Rates Are On The Rise
With interest rates rising, it’s a good time to review your finances to understand the effect of rate increases on your accounts. SRI Federal Credit Union has all you need to maximize your dividend yields.
Because 2.05% APY* makes it easy to commit
Are you looking for a better rate of return on your savings accounts but do not want to commit to a long-term CD? Do you have funds sitting around at other financial institutions that are not earning you competitive returns? Have you ever wanted to have your cake and eat it too?
The Little Chick That Could
Once upon a time, there was a little chick named Henrietta. Growing up, Henrietta had nothing – no feathers, no car, no house, and no money.
October 2016
There have been a lot of changes behind the scenes at the credit union recently. We have a new chip card machine that instant-issues cards (debit and credit) in our office. Chip cards are also known as EMV (Europay/MasterCard/Visa) cards. They reduce fraud by creating a one-time passcode for every transaction and will also improve acceptance of cards in the United States and abroad.