With interest rates rising, it’s a good time to review your finances to understand the effect of rate increases on your accounts. SRI Federal Credit Union has all you need to maximize your dividend yields.
You may have noticed our Certificate rates had a nice jump in July, and now we’re complementing those rates with stellar increases to the Savings and Money Market rates! With the introduction of additional balance tiers, you’re able to make up to 1.00% more on your deposits. Check out our new tiers and rates and don’t be afraid to spread the word!
That’s not all – our eye-popping Special 2.30% APY* Two-Year Certificate is still available through the end of August! Are you earning less than 2.30% APY elsewhere? Let us help you move those balances to SRIFCU and maximize your returns. This promotional certificate can earn you 2.30% APY for two years, with a minimum deposit of $10,000, new money only**. Click here to take advantage of this today.
You have lots of options and we would love to discuss them with you. Call us at 1-800-986-3669, email us at connect@srifcu.org or visit our branch.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
**New Money = For the purposes of this special New Money is categorized as any deposits made after July 1st, 2018