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Wire Transfers

Wire Transfers

Incoming Domestic and Foreign2 Wire Transfers

Wire transfers to the credit union use our ABA number and are now automatically posted if your member number and account suffix are in the proper format. The credit union does not charge a fee for incoming wires.

Incoming Wires

For incoming wires, wire funds to:

SRI Federal Credit Union
333 Ravenswood Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Routing & Transit # 321173328

Credit to: Member Name and Account Number1

1 This should be Member Number- Suffix. For example: 123450-01 for Savings or 123450-02 for checking). Member numbers always end in a zero.

Outgoing Domestic and Foreign2 Wire Transfers

Many banks use different Routing and Transit numbers for wire transfers than direct deposit (or ACH items). We recommend that you ask for written instructions from your bank whenever sending or receiving wire transfers. When sending US dollars to foreign banks, we may send the funds through the foreign banks U.S. Correspondent.

Although we can send wires in foreign currency, we have no control over the exchange rate that our processor charges. Your foreign bank may be able to offer you a better exchange rate by sending the funds in U.S. dollars.

Wire fees for outgoing domestic wires are $25.00 and for International wires $30.00.

2 The credit union is not a member of the Swift system and does not have a Swift code. The other bank must route the wire through their U.S. Correspondent.

To search for a bank's ABA number, Click Here.

Domestic Wire Transfer Form

Please fill out, print, sign and either fax or email this form back through your secure online banking email. Requests must be received before 1:00 pm for same day transfers.

International Wire Transfer Form

Please fill out, print, sign and either fax or email this form back through your secure online banking email. Requests must be received before 12:30 pm for same day transfers.

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