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Switch to eStatements and save a tree!

If 20% of households switched to electronic statements, bills and payments, 1.8 million trees would be saved each year and we'd cut greenhouse gas by 2 million tons per year. Less greenhouse gas means cleaner air, less global warming and an environment we can all enjoy.


If your home mailbox is unattended for more than a few hours, anyone can steal your personal information with little interference. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) indicates that in cases of ID Theft, a lost or stolen wallet or pocket book - or the theft of a victim's mail - are by far the most commonly mentioned ways of obtaining the victim's personal information.


Statements are generated the first of every month. If you have paper statements, your mailing will need to be assembled and delivered by the post office. With eStatements, you can view and print a copy on the first of the month. Why wait for this information when you don't have to?


Your account and Visa statements are delivered each month in PDF format, in a much safer environment of 128-bit encryption offered by Online Banking. The PDF file is an exact replica of the printed statement you receive in the mail. Why not get the Online Statement a week early and save the PDF to your computer as back up?

Extra Benefits With eStatements:

  • Eliminate the hassle of storing and organizing paper account statements
  • Can view statements online or print out a copy
  • Can view and save both Monthly account and Visa statements
  • Can download and archive statements to your local PC. This will allow you to keep and access all statements for an indefinite period of time
  • Are notified by an e-mail each time your statement is ready for viewing

Sign up - it's easy!

To enroll for eStatements, just sign in to Online Banking and click the eDocuments tab. Follow the directions and you're done!

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